NanoPhoto Research Lab
See the future through nanophotonics 

Research Mission

Nanophotonic devices have emerged as pivotal components in various technological domains, including solar energy harvesting, integrated nanophotonic light sources, quantum communications, nonlinear optics, light modulators, smart cameras, hydrogen production, and virtual reality. The advent of metasurfaces, capable of manipulating light at the nanoscale, presents an exciting opportunity to revolutionize these fields. Our research group aims to explore the potential of tunable metasurfaces in these applications, emphasizing size reduction compared to diffractive optics, enhanced efficiency, and the ability to tailor performance as the key objectives for expediating the delivery of this technology as commercial devices.  

Research Areas

Nanophotonic Quantum Communications

Novel 2D materials such as NbOX2 have strong second order nonlinearity. Integrating these 2D materials with tunable nanophotonic cavity will enable tunable photon-pair generation for future quantum communication devices.

[October 2024] Our conference entitled Electrically Tunable Amplified Light Emission in a Hybrid Photonic-Plasmonic Bound States in the Continuum Metasurface accepted as oral talk in IPS 2024 Singapore

[March 2024] Our paper entitled Aperiodic Bragg Reflectors for Tunable High-Purity Structural Color Based on Phase Change Material has been accepted in Nano Letters

[January 2024] Our paper entitled Modal Phase-Matched Bound States in the Continuum for Enhancing Third Harmonic Generation of Deep Ultraviolet Emission has been accepted in ACS Nano

[September 2023] Our paper entitled All-Optical Switching of Structural Color with a Fabry–Pérot Cavity has been accepted in Advanced Photonics Research

[September 2023] NanoPhoto team wins the first place out of 58 competitors in NTU 2023 Innovation Ignition Challenge for Young Entrepreneurs (I2CE).  

[September 2023] Our technology disclosure entitled Photon Correlation Optical Measurement System has been recorded in IMRE, A*STAR as TD 2023068 

[July 2023] Our conference entitled Electrically Tunable Nanolasers in a Hybrid Photonic-Plasmonic Bound States in the Continuum Metasurface has been accepted as oral talk in IPS 2023 Singapore

Featured Publications